Do you like the countrylife?
For a couple of weeks I found this form of litte roses at amazon.
Here is the recipe for four portions:
What you need
2 eggs
1 tablespoon cold water
70 g sugar
80 g flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
How to do
Separate the eggs and whisk the egg white until stiff. Put sugar and the yellow of the egg into it. Mix flour and the baking powder and put it on the pastry and fold it in. Bake it in the oven 20 minutes at 200 degree celsius.
Und so gehts
Eier trennen und das Eiweis steif schlagen. Zucker und Eigelb unterrühren. Mische das Mehl mit dem Backpulver und ziehen es unter die Eimasse. Das ganze 20 Minuten bei 200 Grad im Backofen backen.
Viel Spass!